
Hey i need to calculate the distance from my location to a lot of other locations (lets say 1000), the locations come in written addresses so i am getting their longitude and latitude using the geo coder, the issue is that for only 8 locations it takes lot of time to calculate, what is the fastest way to calculate this thing?

1/ you need the coordinates, there is no way around this. 2/ getting the address takes time, as it uses a resolution service somewhere not on your phone.njzk2

2 Answers


The Google Maps Distance Matrix API may be what you're looking for.

You'd have to split up your many destinations in multiple requests, see the Usage Limits section.


The other locations are always the same? If the answer is yes, why don't you store the locations in a database and also add the Lat and Long using the geocoder. After that, you can query by distance all the locations to your current location very fast.