
I am evaluating Stylus Studio mainly for xquery development against XML payload exchanged using SOAP. I've inherited a complex xquery (about 1800 lines) and when I try to execute it using Saxon as engine I get this error:

XPST0003: Xquery sintax error in ##:Unexpected token " < e o f >" in path expression.

This query works fine in AcquaLogic, so no really sure it's a bug in the file or Saxon. Could anyone please give advise on this? At least to understand on which line it finds this token.

Thanks in advance

Unrelated: Be sure to include oXygen XML Editor in your evaluation. I highly recommend it. (oxygenxml.com)Daniel Haley
Publish your source and many people will be able to explain the error. Generally this means that the input to the XQuery processor (or a separate sub-expression) is syntactically invalid -- some more input was expected in order to complete a grammar rule of the language.Dimitre Novatchev
Source code is about 1800, I don't really think anyone will go through that. However I've given a try to Oxygen, well it's much easier and efficient. Thanks for the tip.AleIla

1 Answers


<EOF> means that Saxon encountered a literal "End of File" byte. Perhaps your path expression is corrupted? Other tools might ignore the EOF if they know the buffer is longer, but on that path lies madness.