I am very stuck. I messed with this for at least 30mins and I can't figure out how to preload metadata only.
if you go here you'll see there is a preload attribute that allows you to specify what to preload. I marked it down as metadata only because I wanted the time length of every audiofile. Since it wasn't loading I tried .load()
and that loads the actual audio even though I specified metadata.
How do I load the meta in html5 javascript? if it loaded a second or two of audio I wont mind as long as it isn't trying to preload minutes or the whole file.
Value 2 = NETWORK_LOADING, where 1 = idle aka loaded.
<div>Click to test if loaded</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var a1 = new Audio('http://freshly-ground.com/data/audio/sm2/20060924%20-%20Ghosts%20&%20Goblins%20Reconstructed.ogg');
$(a1).bind('loadedmetadata', function(e){
//alert('a1 ' + a1.duration + ' ' + a1.networkState);
$(a1).bind('canplay', function(e){
alert('a1z ' + ' ' + a1.networkState);
$(a1).attr('preload', 'metadata');
a1.preload = 'metadata';
alert('a1z ' + ' ' + a1.networkState);