
We are developing a system in which several devices equipped with Simcom SIM800 GPRS modules need to send telemetry data to an IoT Hub at port 443 using the AT command for GET & POST data to Azure REST API endpoint.


Problem: We got the message successfully at IOT end. But at device end we always got Status Code 600.


1. We are able to Get & Post from any other REST Api using AT command, which we are host in Azure & able to get status code 200.

2. We call our own REST service via AT command, which is host in Azure, purpose of this service to post data into IOT Hub using azure C# SDK. We get status 200.

3. We can not use Azure C SDK due to device incompatibility. so we using IOT Hub Rest API call via AT command.

Are you saying you are getting a HTTP 600 status code? Because I thought there is no higher ones than 5xx?juunas
@juunas : yes HTTP 600 status code. And this is the confusion why I am getting this !!!, because message posted successfully at IOT Hub end.Shubhajyoti Ghosh
I am a beginner but 443 for MQTT protocol on Websockets, whats the protocol you are referring to?HydTechie

1 Answers


This issue is resolved after update Simcom SIM800 GPRS modules which support https.