I am working on this Odoo assignment. I have to make a custom module in which the requirement is like this.
There is a form say "Notebook" it contains a field that comes from 'hr.employee' i.e. Many2one. Next thing this form will contain is a table which 3 columns (Quality, Score, Comment). Now Qualities must be a master table which contains many qualities name.
I have achieved this task in the way SalesOrder form works i.e. for a particular sales order there are multiple sales lines.
But I want all the qualities to be there on form with default score value of 0.
Here is the code
Please tell me the resolution
class qualities_fields(models.Model):
_name = "ayda.qualities.fields"
_description = "Contains only Attributes"
def name_get(self):
data = []
for rows in self:
value = ''
value += rows.quality_name
data.append((rows.id, value))
return data
quality_name = fields.Char(string="Quality Name")
class qualities_data(models.Model):
_name = "qualities.data"
_description = "All points mandatory to be filled"
quality_id = fields.Many2one('notebook', string="Quality IDs")
quality_name = fields.Many2one('qualities.fields', string="Quality Name")
score = fields.Integer(string="Score")
comment = fields.Char(string="Comment")
class notebook(models.Model):
_name = "notebook"
_description = "Checking one2many of qualities"
def createRecords(self):
cr = self.pool.cursor()
quantity_fields = self.pool.get('qualities.fields').search(cr, self.env.uid, [])
quantity_lines = []
for field in quantity_fields:
quality_data = {
'quality_id' : self.id,
'quality_name' : field.id,
'score' : 0,
'comment' : ''
return quantity_lines
name = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Name")
qualities_line = fields.One2many('qualities.data', 'quality_id', string="Qualities Line", default=createRecords)