My making a catalog in Google SpreadSheet. My spreasheet has a table where the user can add information. This table is dynamically created through a Script that gets the data from the database sheet.
The user can edit some cells in the table and click on a button that saves the changes back into the database sheet.
I want to limit the cells he can edit manually, but I can´t protect theses cells, because there is a script that modifies it (since the table is dynamically generated through a script).
Is there a way to protect cells so that they can only be edit by a script?
I can not just protect some ranges, because it is the user that runs the script that modifies the cells. If I protect the ranges, the user can´t change the range either manually or using the script. I want a way to protect the range against manual input, but allow the script, that the user runs (not the spreadsheet owner), to change the cells.
Thank you