
I have a python script that generates schemas, drop table and load table commands for files in a directory that I want to import into Hive. I can then run these in Ambari to import files. Multiple 'create table' commands can be executed, but when uploading files to import into their respective Hive tables, I can only upload one file at a time.

Is there a way to perhaps put these commands in a file and execute them all at once so that all tables are created and the relevant files are subsequently uploaded to their respective tables?

I have also tried importing files to HDFS with the aim of then sending them to Hive via Linux using 'hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/ixroot/Documents/ImportToHDFS /hadoop/hdfs' commands, but errors such as 'no such directory' crop up with regards to 'hadoop/hdfs'. I have tried changing permissions using chmod, but these don't seem to be effective either.

I would be very grateful if anyone could tell me which route would be better to pursue with regards to efficiently importing multiple files into their respective tables in Hive.


1 Answers


1) Is there a way to perhaps put these commands in a file and execute them all at once so that all tables are created and the relevant files are subsequently uploaded to their respective tables?

You can give all the queries in a .hql file, something like test.hql and run hive -f test.hql to execute all command in one shot

2) errors such as 'no such directory'

give hadoop fs -mkdir -p /hadoop/hdfs and then type hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/ixroot/Documents/ImportToHDFS /hadoop/hdfs

Edit: for permission

hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /user/ixroot