
I've an issue with the plugin "Advanced Custom Fields". The steps that I follows are:

1. Create post programmatically

$id_post = wp_insert_post(array(
    'post_status' => 'publish'

2. Update all the repeater fields associated to the "post_type"

if( have_rows('cliente',$id_post) ) {
    $i = 0;
    while( have_rows('cliente',$id_post) ) {
       update_sub_field('id', 333);

The issue is at the point 2, infact when I create a post with Wordpress' interface (with a button) and i insert manually the id of that post in my code, it works perfectly..

but when i create a post programmatically at the second point the repeater field isn't recognized even if I put the number of that post create programmatically.

Works only if the post is create with the button "Insert New".

Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks to all!

I've resolved the problem! The issue regards the name of the fields.. you must use the key instead of the name. My code now is this $cliente_data = array( array( "id" => 33 ) ); update_field('field_582c2ed4fab65', $cliente_data, $id_post );Andrea
Thank you for your comment! You saved my day.Gleb Kemarsky
@Andrea Could you please make your comment the accepted answer with an example.Rauli Rajande
@RauliRajande done! Let me working on the example since 2 years have been passed :))Andrea

2 Answers


I've resolved the problem! The issue regards the name of the fields.. you must use the key instead of the name. My code now is this

$cliente_data = array( array( "id"  => 33 ) ); 
update_field('field_582c2ed4fab65', $cliente_data, $id_post );

Please refer the tutorial which explains create and update fields programmatically. http://www.pearlbells.co.uk/insert-udpate-wordpress-post-programmatically/

$newIds = wp_insert_post( array(
            'post_title' => $postCSVContent['1'],
            'post_content' => $postCSVContent['2'],
            'post_type' => 'doors',
            'post_status' => 'publish',        
            'post_author'   => 1,
            'post_parent' => $parentId

    updateAcf( $postCSVContent , $newIds );

Update acf image repeater fields : http://www.pearlbells.co.uk/insert-update-acf-image-repeater-field-programmatically/