The following error is triggered:
ERROR - Cannot find "show" function for:
*** Expression : debugFunction getDebugTree
*** Of type : Tree (Tree Int) -> Bool
when running debugFunction getDebugTree
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show)
getDebugTree :: Tree Int
getDebugTree = (Node 1 (Empty) (Node 2 Empty Empty))
debugFunction :: Show a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
debugFunction _ _ = True
I've read that
reverse []
ERROR: Cannot find "show" function for: * expression : reverse [] * of type : [a]
The top-level system for Hugs can only print values which belong to a type which can be shown, that is a type which belongs to the Show class. Now, the list type is an instance of Show, so what is wrong with reverse [] (which evaluates to [])? The problem is that the type of [] is polymorphic: [] :: [a] for all a. Not knowing a Hugs refuses to print a value of type [a]. Note that this behaviour applies to all polymorphic values. Given the definition
data Tree a = Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
we have, on evaluating
the error message
ERROR: Cannot find "show" function for: * expression : Empty * of type : Tree a
Functions can be shown, but not very helpfully; printing any function results in
<< function>>
As far as I understand Hugs doesn't know a so it refuses to print it (even though I'm printing a Bool?) so I've tried to make a be an instance of Show, but it still doesn't work, what's the problem here?