I'm using the Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin to automatically configure multibranch pipeline jobs for every repo under a specific project directory within Bitbucket. One repo contains a valid Jenkinsfile. The master branch for that repo builds and deploys fine. However, pull requests for that repo are not being built. I see the following logs:
Connecting to <URL> using <credentials>
Looking up repositories of team <Project>
Proposing test-project
Connecting to <URL> using <credentials>
Looking up <Project>/test-project for branches
Checking branch master from <Project>/test-project
Met criteria
Looking up <Project>/test-project for pull requests
Checking PR from ~<user>/test-project and branch feature/thing
Does not meet criteria
The specified branch for the pull request does contain a Jenkinsfile, so I do not understand why it says that the criteria are not met. Any suggestions?
The "Automatic branch project triggering" option is set to the default .*
I'm using the following plugins to Jenkins:
Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 1.8
Branch API Plugin 1.10.2
GIT Plugin: 2.4.0
Pipeline 2.4
Pipeline: Multibranch 2.8
Pipeline: SCM Step 2.2
SCM API Plugin 1.3
... others omitted for brevity