How can I obtain the result of the evaluator in a spark pipeline?
val evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator()
val cv = new CrossValidator()
The result of the transform operation only contain the labels, probabilities, and predictions.
It is possible to obtain a "best model" but I rather would be interested in getting the evaluation metrics.
Here they show how to use an evaluator without a pipeline.
None of the very interesting links seem to use the evaluator
., here or in the official examples is the result of the Evaluator displayed at last.
In fact one of the links calculates the metric by hand:
cvAccuracy = cvPrediction.filter(cvPrediction['label'] == cvPrediction['prediction']).count() / float(cvPrediction.count
I would have expected to obtain the metrics on a perf fold level or possibly a mean / variance.
value? – mtoto