
If I have an Array of Objects that were parsed from JSON such as:

 var results =  [
  "time": 1478542485,
  "lat": 50.64470631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
  "time": 1479542485,
  "lat": 50.64570631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
  "time": 1578542485,
  "lat": 50.64473631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912

How can I push them into array so that each array object will look like:

 var marker = L.marker([50.64470631082, 13.9902814650912], {time: 1478542485});

This is what I have done so far

var markers = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
        var latln = new L.LatLng(results[i].lat, results[i].lng);
        var time =   results[i].time;
        var t = '{time: ' + time + '}';
        var mark = L.marker(latln, t.replace("\'",""));

I have the LatLng right, but the time doesn't come out right. I am trying to use the Leaflet Slider and display data onto map.

There is no such thing as an "object json array". JSON values are just strings. When you have there is just a standard JavaScript Array of Objects.Tibrogargan

3 Answers


This is a pretty straight forward use of Array.prototype.map. .map() is called with a function (in this case an arrow function) that produces a new element that is based on the existing element (the argument passed to the function). The return value from map is a new Array containing the new elements.

// ------------------8<----------------------
// LeafletStub is just here to provide mock ups of the functions called in the `L` object 
function LeafletStub() {
LeafletStub.prototype.LatLng = function(lat, lng) {
  return `lat: ${lat}, lng: ${lng}`; }
LeafletStub.prototype.marker = function(latlng, time) {
  return `latlng: {${latlng}}, time: ${time.time}`; }
var L = new LeafletStub();
// ------------------8<----------------------

var inputObj = [{
  "time": 1478542485,
  "lat": 50.64470631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
}, {
  "time": 1479542485,
  "lat": 50.64570631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
}, {
  "time": 1578542485,
  "lat": 50.64473631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912

// answer really starts here.
var markers = inputObj.map( element => L.marker(L.LatLng(element.lat, element.lng), { time: element.time } ) );


Combine the answers of Mahi and Tibrogargan, I make it works by using this

   var markers = results.map( function(b){
        return (L.marker(new L.LatLng(b.lat, b.lon), { time: b.time}))

Thank you, guys


 var results =  [
  "time": 1478542485,
  "lat": 50.64470631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
  "time": 1479542485,
  "lat": 50.64570631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
  "time": 1578542485,
  "lat": 50.64473631082,
  "lng": 13.9902814650912
var a= results.map(function(b){
return [[b.lat,b.lng],{"time":b.time}];
