With respect to the following opcode reference: http://ref.x86asm.net/coder32.html
I'm trying to understand a little more around conditional jumps. You'll see in the above-referenced link that the opcode for "Jump short if zero/equal (ZF=0)" is 74. Therefore, if we (in a debugger) binary insert the bytes 74 04 and the ZF flag is set to 0, we will see a short forward jump of 4 bytes:
0207FF9F 74 04 JE SHORT 0207FFA5
No problems there.
Later on in the same reference, there is a similar conditional short jump referenced using opcode 85, however if you pop that code in with a similar byte length for the conditional jump, you get the following:
I'm clearly not understanding something here, is someone able to explain? Are conditional short jumps based on flag values limited to opcodes 70 through 7F?