
I have a couple of Powerpoint decks the first 3 slides of whom contains charts. Presently, I need to go in each of them and copy data from those charts and paste them in an excel workbook. Is there a way to do this using VBA?

The Powerpoint charts are not pulling data from Excel. I saw another thread which tweaks the data for a Powerpoint table but nothing on charts. Also, I need to copy and paste that data into excel.

Are the charts pictures or do they have data behind them? What type of charts are they, embedded or PPT created charts?mooseman
They are PPT created charts. So the data is within the Powerpoint charts' Excel.user3814847
What version of Powerpoint is it.mooseman

1 Answers


One way to access the data in 2016, is to access the series collection(s).

With ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes
if .name = "Chart1" then
"Sheet1!$B$1" = .Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values

This is for slide # 2, Chart 1 and series 1. You can cycle through all the shapes on a slide by using :

For Each oSH In ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes

The easiest way is to name all the shapes you need data from so that you can focus directly on those objects.