I have a small website built with .Net core that includes a SQLite database and entity framework core. I'm using VS Code and on a mac.
It is easy to manage the database locally - dotnet ef database update
works great. The problem is running migrations when deploying to Azure.
My repo is on GitHub, and I configured Azure to pull code from GitHub when I push to the master branch. The deploy is working fine, but migrations aren't running on Azure.
I've seen some suggestions that I can use yourDbContext.Database.Migrate()
in Startup.cs, however it appears that .Migrate()
is no longer available.
I've tried downloading the deployment script from Azure and customizing it by adding call :ExecuteCmd dotnet ef database update -e Production
to deploy.cmd, but that doesn't appear to be working.
I've tried using the PS shell I can access through the Kudu site to manually run migrations, but when trying to run dotnet ef database update
the result is, No executable found matching command "dotnet-ef"
There is a very similar question here (EF Core (1.0.0) Migrations On Azure App Services), but that question did not get any answers.