
During the latest builds of my R package the following R CMD CHECK warning occurs:

Found the following significant warnings:
  Warning: namespace ‘data.table’ is not available and has been replaced

The strange thing is that I do not use data.table in Depends/Imports/Suggests in my DESCRIPTION file. It is also not a dependency of any package I import. May be a dependency of a dependency?
I do not know which change introduced this warning. Searching did not result in any useful solution.

Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
Imports: mgcv, 
some info could be useful, 1. sessionInfo() from your base R, 2. do you run check from console, 3. if your package is public you can share linkjangorecki
The error appeared on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. Just tried it on macOS 10.12 and the error did not appear. Concluding that it is machine related. I will do your suggested actions later on @jangoreckipat-s

1 Answers


Install the package "data.table". The error not appear in R CMD check procedure.