I have an Appcelerator Titanium app to do, i have a Ti.UI.ListView
with a view inside (view_one.xml):
<ListView onItemclick="getEvaluation" id="myLisview" defaultItemTemplate="templateLm" bottom="0" top="10" onItemclick="changePage" backgroundColor="white">
<Require id="lm_items" src="common/templateLm"/>
in common/templateLm :
<ItemTemplate name="templatePageMission">
<View bindId="evaluate" height="10dp">
<Label text="evaluate"></Label>
<View bindId="stars" height="15dp"/>
in view_one.js :
function getEvaluation(e){
case 'evaluate':
var item = e.section.getItemAt(e.itemIndex);
console.log(item) // <= this is empty ????
item.stars.backgroundColor = "red";
and when click on the evaluate view I finally got: undefined is not an object (evaluating item.stars.backgroundColor)
If anyone can help, this is great, anyway thanks for this great community.