For those with an inputStream, you can upload inputStream using Multipart
suspend fun uploadPicture(
@Part part: MultipartBody.Part
): NetworkPicture
Then in perhaps your repository class:
suspend fun upload(inputStream: InputStream) {
val part = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(
"pic", "myPic", RequestBody.create(
If your backend does not allow multipart, you can convert the input stream into bytes and send the byte array as the request body, like so.
// In your service
suspend fun s3Upload(
@Header("Content-Type") mime: String,
@Url uploadUrl: String,
@Body body: RequestBody
// In your repository
val body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/octet"), inputStream.readBytes())
networkService.s3Upload(mime, url, body)
To get an input stream you can do something like so.
In your fragment or activity, you need to create an image picker that returns an InputStream
. The advantage of an InputStream is that it can be used for files on the cloud like google drive and dropbox.
Call pickImagesLauncher.launch("image/*")
from a View.OnClickListener
or onOptionsItemSelected
. (See Activity Result APIs).
private val pickImagesLauncher =
registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.GetContent()) { uri ->
uri?.let {
val stream = contentResolver.openInputStream(it)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
btn.setOnClickListener {