Given the following:
val t: List[Map[String, Map[String, Int]]] = List(
Map("a" -> Map("m" -> 1, "l" -> 21)),
Map("a" -> Map("m" -> 2, "l" -> 22)),
Map("a" -> Map("m" -> 3, "l" -> 23)),
Map("a" -> Map("m" -> 4, "l" -> 24))
I want the result:
What I have so far is:
val tt = (for {
(k,v) <- t
newKey = v("m")
newVal = v("l")
} yield Map(newKey -> newVal)).flatten.toMap
But this does not type check so Im missing some basic understanding since I cant understand why not?
My questions are:
- Why is my code faulty?
- What would be the most idiomatic way to do the transformation I want?