Reading up on the documentation for Ember, I was under the impression that when an action is triggered by a component, it will go up the hierarchy until it hits an action with that name. But here's what's happening right now. I have a game-card component written like so:
<div class="flipper">
<div class="front"></div>
<div class="back">
<img {{action "proveImAlive"}} src={{symbol}} />
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['flip-container'],
actions: {
//blank for now because testing for bubbling up
Now according to what I've read, since game-card.js does not have a 'proveImAlive' action, it will try to bubble up the hierarchy i.e. the controller for the particular route.
play.js (the route /play)
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
proveImAlive() {
console.log('Im aliiiiveeee');
But when I finally run my application, I get this error:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: <testground@component:game-card::ember483> had no action handler for: proveImAlive
Now my question is twofold:
Why is this error happening?
I want some of my component's actions to bubble up to the route's controller. For example, when a game-card is clicked, i'd like to send the id value (to be implemented) of that card up to the controller so it can store it on an array.
game-card is clicked --> sends value of 1 --> arrayinController.push(1)
How can I achieve this?