
I want to convert my MySQL database to SQL Server, so that I can migrate my website into Azure.

I have two problems:

  1. I downloaded SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL. I expect to see a "Connect to SQL Server" button, but there is only a "Connect to SQL Azure" button instead.

  2. "OK" I said. "Why not convert it directly into Azure?" So I created an Azure account, and a SQL database in it. But when I tried to connect the MySQLToSQL to SQL Azure, it asks for user name, so I put my account email, "[email protected]". It complained that "Cannot open server hotmail.com requested by the login". If I use "xyz", it complains "incorrect user name or password."

So what is my user name and password? I am totally new to Azure.

The Migration Assistant does not force you to use Azure SQL. How did you try to connect? Did you check the File menu? Which version did you download? Where did you find it?Panagiotis Kanavos
Yes I check the file menu, the only options is "Connect to SQL Azure". On the "About" menu, it displays "SQL Server 2016 Migration Assistent for MySQL v7.0.0".Silly Dude
Where did you find it? Migrating from MySQL isn't something people do every dayPanagiotis Kanavos

1 Answers


When you create a new project you specify the target database version in the Migrate To dropdown box. The default is SQL Azure. I suspect you didn't check the dropdown and created a project with the default value.

If you select another version, eg SQL Server 2016 or SQL Server 2014 you'll be able to use the Connect to SQL Server button.

New Project dialog with on-premise selection