
My infrastructure changed the name of my computer. When I opened visual studio to connect to TFS, I got a message saying that "Workspace 'X' does not reside on this computer. If this computer was recently renamed, the workspace may be updated by running tf workspaces /updateComputerName:oldComputerName.

So I ran this for my local workspace and it worked just fine. Now I'm trying to run it for a workspace that is connected to visualstudio.com and I'm getting a 'HTTP code 407: Proxy Authentication Required' error.

I have already made some changes to my vsenv.exe.config for proxy as below. I also tried to add the same thing to tf.exe.config, with no luck.

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" enabled="true">
    <proxy usesystemdefault="True" />
        <ipv6 enabled="true"/>
    <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />

Anyone have any ideas how to get around this proxy issue?

Are you behind a corporate proxy server which requires credentials of your TFS connection?PatrickLu-MSFT
Yes I'm behind a corporate proxy servertjp69

1 Answers


This error usually occurs when VS tried to do an automatic update but was stopped by the proxy. You can try below way to prompt for credentials:


  1. Open TOOLS>Extensions & Updates
  2. Click on Updates... in the left-hand menu
  3. There will be a failure notice on screen and a link to enter your credentials. Click it and enter them.
  4. Close the Extension manager.
  5. Click TEAM>Connect to TFS server...
  6. Enter the address and connect to TFS

More detail info and ways, please take a look at this similar question: Visual Studio Error: (407: Proxy Authentication Required)