Is there proper and working way to make extensions .mp3 default program with .msi installation? (I am using Advanced Installer).
So far I have tried:
Changing registry in Advanced installer for HKCU, HKLM, HKCR keys however it seems not to be working.
For example - I change those key values to my application but once I open mp3 file, registry automatically restores back to default. Why?
I had WMP11 as default, then I change it even manually with hand to my application, but then when i run my file, I press refresh on registry and it is WMP11 again.
I have tried using Advanced Installer built in solution - file associations. I filled up all required details and set it as my default program. But nothing works.
When I enter settings in Windows, I can see my application but it is inactive as default. I have to press and select it as default. But I need this to be done automatically since i will run my msi file with command line msiexec /i "myapp.msi" /qb and I dont need any user interaction..
Please help with ideas and let me know what is the proper way to do this.
Thanks a lot.