
I am performing segue to same view controller from two different buttons on same screen and hence using same segue identifier. Say buttons are B1 and B2. So when when I perform segue from segue from B1, I want destination view controller to have user interaction disabled but when when I segue from B2, I want destination view controller to to be clickable and its text fields to be editable. Please help me implement it. Here...consider B2 to be partialpressed and B1 to be toplbl and please help me implement it using this code so suggest me changes i can make here.

@IBAction func partialPressed(sender: UIButton)
    let i = self.getIndex(sender.tag)
    let j = self.getSection(sender.tag)
    let indexarr = ["index":i, "section":j]

    if getSection(sender.tag) == 0

    let arr = getArray(sender.tag)
    performSegueWithIdentifier("partialSupplement", sender: arr)

    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 1
        let arr = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("PartialPopup", sender: arr)


    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 2
        let arr = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("FoodLifestyle", sender: arr)

    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 3
        let arr = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("Food", sender: arr)

    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 4
        let arr = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("Others", sender: arr)


@IBAction func toplbl(sender: UIButton){

    let i = self.getIndex(sender.tag)
    let j = self.getSection(sender.tag)
    let indexarr = ["index":i, "section":j]

    if getSection(sender.tag) == 0

        let arr1 = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("partialSupplement", sender: arr1)

    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 1
        let arr1 = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("PartialPopup", sender: arr1)


    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 2
        let arr1 = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("FoodLifestyle", sender: arr1)


    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 3
        let arr1 = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("Food", sender: arr1)

    else if getSection(sender.tag) == 4
        let arr1 = getArray(sender.tag)
        performSegueWithIdentifier("Others", sender: arr1)


override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {

    if segue.identifier == "menuviewcontroller"
        let menuTableViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! MenuViewcontroller
        menuTableViewController.transitioningDelegate = menuTransitionManager
        menuTransitionManager.delegate = self

       // menuTableViewController.customchildcelldataarray = self.customchildcelldataarray

    if segue.identifier == "PartialPopup"
        let popupViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! PatialViewController
        popupViewController.arr = sender as! CustomcomingupDataWorkOut
        //popupViewController.timings_id = popupViewController.arr.timings_id
        //menuTransitionManager.delegate = self
        // menuTableViewController.customchildcelldataarray = self.customchildcelldataarray

    if segue.identifier == "partialSupplement"
        let popupViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! PartialSupplementViewController
        var arr = sender as! CustomcomingUpDataSupplements
        popupViewController.lifestyletype = arr.supplementName
        popupViewController.lifestyleItem = arr.amount + arr.unit
        popupViewController.lifestyleQuantity = arr.dosage_main_name
        popupViewController.timings_id = arr.timings_id

        //popupViewController.arr = sender as! CustomcomingUpDataSupplements
        //popupViewController.timings_id = popupViewController.arr.timings_id
        //menuTransitionManager.delegate = self
        // menuTableViewController.customchildcelldataarray = self.customchildcelldataarray


    if segue.identifier == "FoodLifestyle"
        let popupViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! partialFoodViewController
        var arr = sender as! CustomcomingUpDataLifeStyle
        popupViewController.lifestyletype = arr.lifestyle_name
        popupViewController.lifestyleItem = arr.time + " minutes"
        popupViewController.lifestyleQuantity = "Time"
        popupViewController.timings_id = arr.timings_id

        //popupViewController.arr = sender as! CustomcomingupDataWorkOut
        //menuTransitionManager.delegate = self
        // menuTableViewController.customchildcelldataarray = self.customchildcelldataarray

    if segue.identifier == "Food"
        let popupViewController1 = segue.destinationViewController as! FoodViewController
        var arr = sender as! CustomcominUpDataFood
        popupViewController1.type = arr.food_name
        popupViewController1.Item = arr.time
        popupViewController1.Quantity = " Amount"
        popupViewController1.timings_id = arr.timings_id

        //popupViewController.arr = sender as! CustomcomingupDataWorkOut
        //menuTransitionManager.delegate = self
        // menuTableViewController.customchildcelldataarray = self.customchildcelldataarray

    if segue.identifier == "Others"
        let popupViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! PartialOthersViewController
        var arr = sender as! CustomcominUpDataOthers
        popupViewController.lifestyletype = arr.others_name
        popupViewController.lifestyleItem = arr.time + " minutes"
        popupViewController.lifestyleQuantity = "Completion"
        popupViewController.timings_id = arr.timings_id
        //popupViewController.arr = sender as! CustomcomingupDataWorkOut
        //menuTransitionManager.delegate = self
        // menuTableViewController.customchildcelldataarray = self.customchildcelldataarray


Check the sender in prepareForSegue and set a property on the destination view controllerPaulw11
@Paulw11 ..can you give me the complete function please and do I need to pass extra object for that?Rouny

4 Answers


Use prepareForSegue: method. iOS will pass you the button as a sender parameter, and also make the destination view controller available as part of UIStoryboardSegue parameter.

Check sender to see if it is B1 or B2. When the sender is B2, disable user interaction in segue's destination controller:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "MySegue" {
        let enableInteration = (sender != button2)
        segue.destinationViewController.view.userInteractionEnabled = enableInteration

You can use one key, and change the value of that key before calling segue. And according to that key change the interaction of buttons/textfields etc. This is a workaround, maybe you will get better answer than this.


I found out an easy way to do it. We can declare one global or local boolean variable for partialpressed button we can set it to true and for toplbl button we can set it to false and then we have 2 ways to disable user interaction :

  1. if bool is global: go to destination view controller and inside view did load check for if bool == false then set self.view.userinteraction = false

  2. if bool is local variable: go to prpareforsegue inside initial view controller and check for if bool == false then set segue.destinationviewcontroller.view.userinteraction = false


You could also use an Int, like so:

var buttonIndex = 0

@IBAction func partialPressed(sender: UIButton){

buttonIndex = 1
performSegueWithIdentifier("PartialPopup", sender: sender)


@IBAction func toplbl(sender: UIButton){

buttonIndex = 2
performSegueWithIdentifier("PartialPopup", sender: sender)



override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {

destVC == segue.destination
destVC.buttonIndex = self.buttonIndex


And then, in destVC:

var buttonIndex = 0

switch buttonIndex{

case 1:
// Do whatever magic is desired if partialPressed was tapped

case 2:
// Do whatever magic is desired if toplbl was tapped
