
Sonar 5 returns no code coverage data using the groovy plugin and using cobertura for code coverage. Maven also fails to return code coverage.

Configure a test instance with SonarQube 5.4 and the flowing plugins:

Build Breaker 1.1 Findbugs 3.3 Git 1.2 Groovy 1.3.1 Java 3.9 JavaScript 2.11 LDAP 1.5.1 PHP 2.8 Python 1.5 SVN 1.3 Web Analyze HTML 2.4 PMD 2.5

The old instance with Version 4.3.2 works? Does the cobertura plugin need to be installed, since it has been deprecated, or can the Java plug-in provide the correct support?

I use the cobertura plugin.doelleri
I can see the coverage.xml file being generated by the local cobertura plugin, but it's failing when sending the information to Sonar. Log: [INFO] Analyzing Cobertura report: target/test-reports/cobertura/coverage.xml [WARNING] File not found: JsLintConfig.groovy Follows a list of WARNING “not found” lines for each file in the project. If we can find why the plugin is excluding these files from sending to Sonar then we can fix itSean Kennedy

1 Answers


Indeed the import of Cobertura reports is no more supported out of the box. This requires to install the following dedicated community SonarQube Cobertura plugin : https://github.com/SonarQubeCommunity/sonar-cobertura/releases