
I have a few questions regarding onboarding a thing in IBM Bluemix IOT. My questions are as follows:

  1. In scenario 1: Let's say I need to connect only one thing to the Bluemix platform, so I configure the device type, device, authentication token, etc., to connect the device to the platform. This is possible in the current situation.

  2. In scenario 2: If I need to connect 50 things to my platform, will I be configuring each and every device to get the device ID, token, etc.?

Does Bluemix provide any discovery mechanism or other ways to configure things automatically?


1 Answers


You can programmatically register devices using bulk/devices operations. https://docs.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com/swagger/v0002.html#!/Bulk_Operations/post_bulk_devices_add

Also, this recipe describes how to register multiple IoT devices.

If you are using a gateway, devices can be auto registered: look for "Gateway auto-registration"

Here are some other links that may be helpful. This recipe talks in detail about how to register a device in Watson IoT Platform - https://developer.ibm.com/recipes/tutorials/how-to-register-devices-in-ibm-iot-foundation/

This Java sample shows how one can do bulk addition/deletion - https://github.com/ibm-messaging/iot-platform-apiv2-samples/blob/master/java/api-samples-v2/README.md