I have database within Lotus Notes and I trying to write a LotusScript that will loop through all of the forms until a specified form name is selected. Once the specified form name is selected execute the rest of the code.
Basically, I am trying to do a
Forall Form In db.Forms
For form.name <> "Server Information"
Next form
(loop until "Server Information)
...... (rest of code)
End Forall
Below is the full code I am working with.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim headerstring As String
Dim values As String
Dim selection As String
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As notesdocument
Dim exportField List As String
On Error Resume Next
exportField("ServerName_5") = "ServerName_5"
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Forall Form In db.Forms
'I WANT TO SKIP ALL FORM NAMES UNTIL "Server Information" is the current or selected form
'Once the entire loop is complete I don't to go to the next form
If Isempty(form.Fields) Then
Messagebox form.Name & " has no fields"
If form.Name = "Server Information" Then
fieldCount = 0
msgString = ""
fileNum% = Freefile()
fileName$ = "c:\temp\" & form.Name & ".csv"
Open FileName$ For Output As fileNum%
Forall field In form.Fields
If Iselement(exportField(field)) Then
msgString = msgString & Chr(10) & _
"" & field
fieldCount = fieldCount + 1
headerstring=headerstring & |"| &field &|",|
End If
End Forall
Write #fileNum%, |",| & headerstring & |"|
End If
End If
selection = |Form="| & form.Name & |"|
Set collection=db.Search(selection, Nothing, 0)
For x = 1 To collection.count
Set doc =collection.GetNthDocument(x)
Forall formfield In form.Fields
If Iselement(exportField(formfield)) Then
values=values & |"| & Cstr(newvalue(0)) & |",|
End If
End Forall
Write #fileNum%, |",| & values &|"|
'now check aliases
If Isempty(form.Aliases) Then
'Messagebox form.Name & " has no aliases"
Forall aliaz In form.Aliases
If aliaz = form.Name Then
Goto NextAliaz 'alias is same as form name
End If
selection = |Form="| & aliaz & |"|
Set collection=db.Search(selection, Nothing, 0)
For x = 1 To collection.count
Set doc =collection.GetNthDocument(x)
Forall formfield In form.Fields
If Iselement(exportField(formfield)) Then
values=values & |"| & Cstr(newvalue(0)) & |",|
End If
End Forall
Write #fileNum%, |",| & values &|"|
End Forall
End If
Close fileNum%
End Forall
End Sub