I'm trying to set up a rule in SSRS to where if a user clicks on a PDF filename 'Document.pdf', the user is taken to a URL ex. 'www.website.com/Document.pdf'.
To do so, I'm using an expression under Placeholder Properties > Action > Go To URL:
=IIf(Fields!ID.Value = "Document.pdf", "www.website.com/Document.pdf", "false")
Upon running the report, I receive the error:
The ActionInfo.Action.Hyperlink expression for the text box ‘ID’ contains an error: [BC30456] 'Value' is not a member of 'ReportExprHostImpl.ID_TextBoxExprHost.ActionInfo_ActionInfoExprHost.Action0_ActionExprHost'.
I receive the same error in using Me.Value, rather than Fields!ID.Value.
I haven't encountered this problem in the past, so I'm curious as to whether this is specific to report builder actions.
? – Hannover Fist