
I'm using ArangoDB 3.0 and I want to create an AQL query to get the shortest path from A to B, with depth = 3, filtering on some edge properties.

The "ArangoDB 2.0" version of the query, would like be the following:

FOR e IN GRAPH_SHORTEST_PATH('CityGraph', 'city/rome', 'city/turin',
    edgeExamples: [{filterProperty: 'FIRST'}, {filterProperty: 'SECOND' }]} 

I read the documentation about arangoDB 3.0 (https://docs.arangodb.com/3.0/AQL/Graphs/ShortestPath.html), and it says:

Conditional shortest path

The SHORTEST_PATH computation will only find an unconditioned shortest path. With this construct it is not possible to define a condition like: "Find the shortest path where all edges are of type X". If you want to do this, use a normal Traversal instead with the option {bfs: true} in combination with LIMIT 1.

So, can someone tell me what type of AQL query I can do it? According with the suggestions, I write this:

FOR n, e IN 1..3 ANY 'city/rome' GRAPH 'CityGraph' OPTIONS {bfs: true} FILTER e.filterProperty IN ['FIRST', 'SECOND'] LIMIT 1 return {n, e}

But it returns only the first level of graph depth, instead of a depth of n.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,



1 Answers


with LIMIT 1 you specify to limit the result set of your AQL to just get the shortest path.

The translation of the above query should look like this:

FOR n, e, p IN 1..3 ANY 'city/rome'
    GRAPH 'CityGraph'
    OPTIONS {bfs: true}
    FILTER p.edges[*].filterProperty ALL IN ['FIRST', 'SECOND']
    FILTER n._key == 'turin'
    LIMIT 1
  RETURN {n, e}
  • you filter all edges to have a filterProperty of either FIRST or SECOND, if an edge without one of those two is passed, this path is discarded.
  • the end node of the shortest path is turin.