I assume that in Startup.cs
you have a code similar to this:
var oAuthOpt = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions
Provider = new OAuthTokenProvider(
req => req.Query.Get("bearer_token"),
req => req.Query.Get("access_token"),
req => req.Query.Get("refresh_token"),
req => req.Query.Get("token"),
req => req.Headers.Get("X-Token"))
app.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer(new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
AllowInsecureHttp = true,
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString(settings.TokenEndpointBasePath),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = Util.AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan,
Provider = new AuthorizationServerProvider(new AuthenticationService()),
What you have to do is to replace oAuthOpt
with a public static field in Startup.cs
and than use it when you need to unprotect your bearer tokens.
For SignalR i'm creating an Authorization attribute where i take that oAuthOpt
and use it decode tokens.
This is how I do it:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class AuthorizeHubAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override bool AuthorizeHubConnection (HubDescriptor hubDescriptor, IRequest request)
var token = request.QueryString["Authorization"];
var ticket = Startup.OAuthOpt.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(token);
if ( ticket != null && ticket.Identity != null && ticket.Identity.IsAuthenticated )
request.Environment["server.User"] = new ClaimsPrincipal(ticket.Identity);
return true;
return false;
public override bool AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation (IHubIncomingInvokerContext hubIncomingInvokerContext, bool appliesToMethod)
var connectionId = hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context.ConnectionId;
var environment = hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context.Request.Environment;
var principal = environment["server.User"] as ClaimsPrincipal;
if ( principal != null && principal.Identity != null && principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated )
hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context = new HubCallerContext(new Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin.ServerRequest(environment), connectionId);
return true;
return false;
var ticket = Startup.OAuthOpt.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(token);
That line is the connection with Startup.cs