IMHO, the very easiest way to install, configure, uninstall ImageMagick and many, many other packages on OS X is to use homebrew.
Step 1
Go to homebrew website and copy the one-liner and paste it into your Terminal and run it.
Step 2
Now, decide what package you want to search for and install - ImageMagick, Redis, pandoc, gawk etc and look for the package with a command like one of these:
brew search magick
brew search redis
brew search gawk
Step 3
Now check which options you would like for ImageMagick:
brew options imagemagick
Sample Output
Compile with FFTW support
Build with fontconfig support
Build with ghostscript support
Compile with HDRI support
Build with liblqr support
Build with librsvg support
Build with libwmf support
Build with little-cms support
Build with little-cms2 support
Compile with OpenCL support
Build with openexr support
Build with openjpeg support
Compile with OpenMP support
Build with pango support
Compile with PerlMagick
Compile with a quantum depth of 16 bit
Compile with a quantum depth of 32 bit
Compile with a quantum depth of 8 bit
Build with webp support
Build with x11 support
Disables depending on XML configuration files
Build without freetype support
Build without jpeg support
Build without libpng support
Build without libtiff support
disable build/install of Magick++
Disable support for dynamically loadable modules
Disable threads support
Install HEAD version
Step 4
Install with the options you select:
brew install imagemagick --with-fftw --with-openmp --with-pango
And then everything is good to go.
Update and Upgrade Packages
If you want to update your copy of homebrew
and update all your packages, use:
brew update && brew upgrade
Remove packages
If you want to remove ImageMagick, use:
brew rm imagemagick
Re-install Packages with different options
If you want to re-install ImageMagick with quantum depth 32 (Q32), for example, use:
brew reinstall imagemagick --with-quantum-depth-32
If you have any problems at all with homebrew, just ask the good doctor what is wrong and you will get a report on everything that is not good:
brew doctor
Neat packages
Some of my favourite packages are:
ack, ansiweather, arpack, astyle, atk, atkmm, autoconf, basex, bash, boost, c-ares, cairo, cairomm, cimg, cmake, coreutils, cpanminus, curl, dbus, dcraw, doxygen, eigen, epstool, exact-image, exiftool, exiv2, faac, feh, ffmpeg, fftw, findutils, flac, fltk, fontconfig, fortune, freeimage, freetype, fswatch, gawk, gcc, gd, gdb, gdbm, gdk-pixbuf, geoip, gettext, ghostscript, giflib, gifsicle, gl2ps, glib, glibmm, glpk, gmp, gnu-sed, gnuplot, gnutls, gobject-introspection, graphicsmagick, grep, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gtk+3, harfbuzz, hdf5, hicolor-icon-theme, hiredis, icu4c, ilmbase, imagemagick, imlib2, isl, jasper, jbig2dec, jhead, jpeg, jpeg-turbo, jq, lame, leptonica, lftp, libagg, libbtbb, libcroco, libepoxy, libevent, libexif, libffi, libgcrypt, libgpg-error, libgsf, libmpc, libogg, libpng, librsvg, libsigc++, libsvg, libsvg-cairo, libtasn1, libtiff, libtool, libusb, libusb-compat, libvo-aacenc, libvorbis, libxml2, libyaml, lighttpd, little-cms, little-cms2, llvm, lua, lynx, lz4, mad, matplotlib, metis, mpfr, nanomsg, net-snmp, netpbm, nettle, ngrep, nmap, node, numpy, octave, oniguruma, opencv3, openexr, openjpeg, openjpeg21, openssl, orc, p7zip, pandoc, pango, pangomm, parallel, pcre, pdfgrep, perl, perlmagick, php56, php56-amqp, php56-imagick, pixman, pkg-config, platypus, plotutils, pngcheck, pngcrush, pngquant, poppler, popt, potrace, pstoedit, py2cairo, pygobject3, pyqt, pyqt5, python, python3, qhull, qrupdate, qscintilla2, qt, qt5, rabbitmq-c, readline, redis, rename, rocksdb, ruby, sane-backends, sdl, shared-mime-info, sip, smartmontools, snappy, sox, sqlite, sqliteman, suite-sparse, suite-sparse421, svg2png, swig, szip, tag, tbb, tesseract, tmux, transfig, tree, ufraw, unixodbc, utf8proc, veclibfort, vips, webkit2png, webp, wget, wireshark, x264, xmlstarlet, xvid, xz, youtube-dl, bar
needs to be defined. – emcconville