I was facing this problem too until I realized my understanding of the working principle of passport is wrong.
Passport is about granting a client application the data of a user with the consent of that user (which is how OAuth2 works). So when a client app is trying to get the access-token that will eventually grant access to the data of that user, the consent of that user must be taken. The web middleware acts as a layer to take the consent of that user. To sign the consent the user must login first or there is will be no proof that it is an actual user.
To understand better, consider a scenario where your app is trying to implement the "Sign in with Google" feature. You put a button that redirects to Google in your login page, after redirecting, the user login into their Google account, sign a consent and gets redirected back to your app with an authorization code. This is just like that, here Google is the app you are building and the other app is the client app.
Still the best way to understand this if do a practical implementation. Just create a new app in laravel and put this code in the routes/web.php file.
Route::get('/redirect', function () {
$query = http_build_query([
'client_id' => 'YOUR APP'S CLIENT ID',
'response_type' => 'code',
'scope' => '',
return redirect('http:
Then visit the new app with the /redirect
route. Make sure you main app is running too.