I´m new to systemverilog and trying to build a systemverilog testbench. I have a DUT that should be connected to one of two external modules via a multiplexer. I want to switch the connection during simulation and I want to use systemverilog interfaces for the connection between the DUT and the multiplexer as well as the connection between multiplexer and the two external modules. The signals in the interface are bidirectional.
I am facing trouble writing the multiplexer. I´m getting an error for the current implementation that the LHS of the expression can´t be a wire. If I change the type in the interface to logic, I get an error that this is not possible with bidirectional signals. I tried to google, but I didn´t find any tutorials on connecting interface to interface. Is this not possible? Or is there a better way of doing what I´m trying to do?
So far I have the following:
interface flash_connect_interface;
wire interface_f_cle;
wire interface_f_ale;
endinterface: flash_connect_interface
module flash_connect_testbench_top;
// Interfaces
flash_connect_interface flash_connect_interface_i0();
flash_connect_interface flash_connect_interface_i1();
flash_connect_interface flash_connect_interface_i2();
// Connecting DUT to interface
flash_connect flash_connect_i0(
// Multiplexer
flash_connect_mux mux1(
nand_model nand_model0 (
.Cle (flash_connect_interface_i1.interface_f_cle),
.Ale (flash_connect_interface_i1.interface_f_ale),
nand_model nand_model1 (
.Cle (flash_connect_interface_i2.interface_f_cle),
.Ale (flash_connect_interface_i2.interface_f_ale),
endmodule // end testbench_top
module flash_connect_mux(
flash_connect_interface flash_connect_interface_i_0,
flash_connect_interface flash_connect_interface_i_1,
flash_connect_interface flash_connect_interface_i_2,
input select
always_comb begin
// *** Here is the problem ***
if (select == 1'b0) flash_connect_interface_i_1 = flash_connect_interface_i_0;
else flash_connect_interface_i_2 = flash_connect_interface_i_0;