
I recently changed azure access policy of the blob containers I'm using in an application, from Public to Private in order to secure them. I noticed that some blobs are still accessible without providing a SAS query however they belong to a private container. (https://mydomain.blob.core.windows.net/container/folder/file.extension) And some other ones are only accessible with generated SAS queries. Am I missing a step?

Please check the cache-control property of the blob. It is quite possible that the browser is caching them. When you observe the network traffic, the status code of fetching the blob request should be 304.Gaurav Mantri
@GauravMantri indeed it was the browser that is caching them. ThanksKira
Cool! Let me include this as answer.Gaurav Mantri

1 Answers


Please check if the browser has cached the blob. Normally if the browser has cached a URL, then the request is not sent to the server and is served directly from the browser itself. To check if the browser has cached the blob, please try to access the blob and observe the network traffic. You should see 304 status code for that request.