
I have a table conversations with an inserted_at column

I want to draw a chart showing the amount of conversations created over time.

I'd like to be able to group the data by either the date, the day of week, and the time of date, to show possible trends.

I'll be using intervals of 7 days, 1 month and 6 months.


Interval: 1 month group by day of week

I'd like something like

| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| 11     | 22      | 19        | 17       | 10     |

or interval: 7 days group by date

| 1/1 | 2/1 | 3/1 | 4/1 | 5/1 | 6/1 | 7/1 |
| 11  | 22  | 19  | 17  | 10  | 10  | 7   |

What is the best way to accomplish this (examples would be greatly appreciated), and is PostgreSQL fit for these kind of queries?

Lastly, are there any special sort of indexes that will improve such queries?

Seems like some kind of pivot problem.jarlh
Not a duplicate. This is not a pivot question. It is just aggregation.Clodoaldo Neto

2 Answers


Days of the week:

    count(extract(dow from inserted_at) = 1 or null) as monday,
    count(extract(dow from inserted_at) = 2 or null) as tuesday,
    count(extract(dow from inserted_at) = 3 or null) as wednesday,
    count(extract(dow from inserted_at) = 4 or null) as thursday,
    count(extract(dow from inserted_at) = 5 or null) as friday,
from conversations

count only counts not null values. false or null is null so only true will be counted.

In newer versions there is an aggregation filter:

count(*) filter (where extract(dow from inserted_at) = 4) as thursday

A simple group by would do the trick:

  extract(dow from inserted_at)
  , count(*)
from conversations
where inserted_at between date '2016-08-08' and '2016-08-08' + interval '7 days'
group by 1;

And an improved version of that query (to make sure that days with count 0 are included as well):

with week as
   SELECT s.d day FROM generate_series(1,7) s(d)
  , count(extract(dow from c.inserted_at))
from days 
left join conversations c on week.day = extract(dow from c.inserted_at)
     and c.inserted_at between now() and now() + interval '7 days'
group by week.day
order by week.day;

An index on inserted_at column would help to quickly select the relevant interval.