I have an unpartitionned table in BigQuery called "rawdata". That table is becoming quite big, and I would like to partition it. I did not find any way to partition the original table, but according to https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-partitioned-tables#restating_data_in_a_partition, I can run a command line that will push from unpartitionned "rawdata" into a partitionned table using a query, but only for a specific day/partition.
My instinct was to use the C# API (we already append data through that) to automate the process of doing the bq query --replace restating from the unpartitionned table, but there doesn't seem to be anything that can do that in the C# code. Do you guys have any recommendation on how to proceed forward? Should I wrap the bq command line execution instead of using Google API?