Tried with osFamily 4, osVersion *
Background: we have an app that uses System.Management.Automation.dll (from the GAC, dev box is W10) to work with Powershell in C# code. Specifically, we are using InitialSessionState and the ExecutionPolicy property - which we found out is part of WMF 5 (it errors out with not found exception on type load on the cloud service).
Now, this can be properly fixed by installing WMF 5 (we tried first via Remote Desktop; and no, forcing only the newer s.m.a.dll into the GAC does not work). Problem is, the installer asks for a reboot - and that I think is a problem with the startup task.
We added the installer to the setup.cmd that we already had:
Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3134758-x64.msu /quiet
It indeed automatically reboots the role instance, and runs setup.cmd again (which adds an error entry to the setup event log to the tune that it is already installed).
This reboot does not flag the cloud service deployment as failed. Which we are happy about but, is this really a supported behavior? or accidental?
Is there the supported way to make an installer work that requires a reboot? Or is the behavior we found the "supported" way?