
I can't seem to find an answer to this question so I'm posting it here. This may be a basic routing question and perhaps I'm just missing something obvious. I have a WebAPI2 project that has GetAll() method in the controller. I'm using Attribute Routing including a RoutePrefix. When I test the method using Postman it works fine http://localhost/api/v1/Suppressions and it returns a list of JSON from my Mongo DB collection. By chance during testing I happened to test and added a parameter to the URL thinking I would receive a "The resource cannot be found" error http://localhost/api/v1/Suppressions?name=abc but it instead called the GetAll() method.

During routing are parameters ignored and is the URI the only thing used (unless, of course, I have a method that specifically named the parameters like Get(string name))? If that's the case, is there a route constraint that I need to add to my GetAll() method in order to throw the "The resource annot be found" error if someone inadvertently called the method with a parameter or list of parameters?


2 Answers


Query parameters are ignored in routing, unless they specified in the Uri. You can either add a separate route for 'Suppressions?name={name}' or handle it within your existing call.

For information on Uri matching, see: UriTemplate.Match


It depends.

Let's say that you have a method like the one that you are describing. For example,

public class api: ApiController {
    public HttpResponseMessage GetAll(HttpRequestMessage request){

This method will be called no matter what parameters you use.

However, if you do something like this

public class api: ApiController {
    public HttpResponseMessage Get(HttpRequestMessage request, string abc){

You will need the parameter. If you don't have it and you call http://localhost/api/Suppressions, it will return something like this:

"message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:64307/api/Suppressions'.",
"messageDetail": "No type was found that matches the controller named ''."

Now, when you have multiple parameters, you can do something like this, and if you don't use them in your call, it's going to complain as well

public class api: ApiController {
    public HttpResponseMessage Get(HttpRequestMessage request, string abc, int id, int somethingElse){

Here the call would be something like this:


Hope this help you understand