
I am getting this error sometimes even if I received the sms .I have checked sidekiq logs and it shows "error_class"=>"Twilio::REST::RequestError" .I have also checked phone number sms-capablility over twilio account and its status shows it is currently active.

If you're getting errors but also sending messages then this is probably best dealt with by our support team. You can use this form to get in contact with Twilio support and let them know what's going on.philnash
thanks philnash,Its better to change retry option to false for sidekiq .Jaswinder
Are there logs in your Twilio account that show these failures? I worry that this is a problem that will get hidden if you just turn off retries.philnash
under my twilio account it only shows the message is delivered with no errors.Its status show it is delivered successfully.Its nice to have your quick response.Jaswinder
It might be interesting to try to get any errors to log out a bit more information. Such as the code or message from the error, rather than just seeing Twilio::REST::RequestError. That would give you a bit more insight into what is happening at least.philnash

1 Answers


I was getting the same error in my Rails project. My problem was a mismatch between the Twilio account SID and auth token and my twilio phone number (I think I was using test credentials with a real Twilio phone number). Once I got these set up correctly in my project, the problem resolved.