I am a newbie in lotusscript. We have a legacy lotus notes/domino system. We need to migrate the data from lotus notes to oracle. Lotus domino's data model is entirely different than that of oracle's data model. So, we are creating a relational table per Lotus notes form. I can access the views programmaticaly using lotusscript. But I couldn't get the views associated with a Notes form using lotusscript. Could anyone please give a code snippet or explain the relation between from and view? I need to migrate the data associated with a single form even if it is connected with multiple notes views.
Will the following code snippet work?
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim notesDocumentCollection As NotesDocumentCollection
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set notesDocumentCollection = db.FTSearch( """Form=Help Ticket""", 0)
For i = 1 To notesDocumentCollection.Count
Set doc = notesDocumentCollection.GetNthDocument( i )
' process each document
End Forall