
I'd like to implement Paypal Checkout Express in my webapp but have no solid findings. I've found a few meteor PayPal packages but it seems like they are paying using credit cards through PayPal, instead of using their PayPal account (I might be wrong here), so that's why I'm requesting for the checkout express. If anyone has any experience or knowledge, please do tell!

Thanks a lot!

For one of my projects I used the Paypal-rest-sdk npm package, which allows me to handle PayPal payments, however credit card payments with this package only work in the US, UK & Canada. This page contains useful info on this package npmjs.com/package/paypal-rest-sdk, which also provides a link to a page with examples github.com/paypal/PayPal-node-SDK/tree/master/samples , which is especially useful in setting up your main PayPal code.Joos
so users can login to paypal and pay with their paypal account, but not credit card payments?Farhan
Yes, when someone tries to complete a payment through credit card the payment simply hangs at some point without any clear error message. After some searching I figured it was because of the US, UK & Canada restriction, but it's a bit unfortunate it doesn't trigger a message or anything. I simply put an explicit message on my website that credit card payments aren't possible, which was fine in my case. But when users log in and pay otherwise everything works ok.Joos
Appreciate the information JoosFarhan

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