I have 2 laptops with inbuilt multitouch capable Trackpads, one is an Acer Switch and the other an ASUS Zenbook and have been trying to make my Delphi apps gesture aware.
I had thought that trackpad gestures would map to touchscreen gestures but this does not appear to be so as pinching to zoom or panning on the trackpad does not trigger the ongesture event.
The trackpad gestures work on other applications like Firefox so it must be possible to capture them.
It appears the two finger vertical scroll gets mapped into Delphi mousewheelup and mousewheel down events. I can't seem to figure out how to capture other types of events.
any clues on how to do this?
Update - I found the MS documentation on trackpad gestures, it appears they are converted to mouse wheel events.
It appears there is a bug in the Delphi mouse capturing of these messages in that it does not capture Horizontal mouse wheel messages.
Also the trackpad vertical pan produces the opposite scroll direction to the mouse wheel scroll.