
I had a Skype bot, but Microsoft upgraded API version from V1 to V3. I'm trying send message to myself, but it doesn't work. API always returns this:

  "statusCode": 404,
  "message": "Resource not found"

The request URL is:


Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJ****************(My Token)
Content-Type: application/json

Also you can find the error in Postman Picture.

What can I do to send message to a Skype user using Botframework?

404 suggests the conversation does not exist. Are you sure you created it before sending the message? Are you sure you're using the right conversationId? Also, you're supposed to send an Activity object, that does not have a field called message (use text instead).Thegaram
Thank you, but i'm fixed this replace API adress with "skype.botframework.com" and replace body to a Activity object.Recep Selim Ağırman
Does your bot reflect V3 in the bot directory page. in dev.botframework.com under My Bots > botname , there's a version number left hand column, under Bot Handleteachtyler

1 Answers


You are using the wrong endpoint. You should use "skype.botframework.com" not "api.botframework.com".