After the loadb command prints "Ready for binary download", exit from the terminal(minicom, putty etc). Note down the serial device (eg: /dev/ttyUSB0). Install kermit or its variants (eg: gkermit and ckermit are available in Ubuntu).
Assuming that /dev/ttyUSB0 is your serial device, baudrate is 115200, and no flow control is used, provide the following parameters to kermit
kermit> set port /dev/ttyUSB0
kermit> set speed 115200
kermit> set carrier-watch off
kermit> set flow-control none
Now issue the command send , to send the file over serial line:
kermit> send filename
After the file transfer is successful, exit from kermit (use exit command), and re-open minicom. Now you can issue further commands.
NOTE : You can explicitly specify a load address to loadb. If not specified, U-boot takes load address from environment variables.
NOTE-2 : Some terminal programs have built-in facility to send files over serial line using protocols like xmodem or kermit.