we are having some issues with Azure management certificates.
Our Azure account contains 3 subscriptions. We are running an instance of Azure TaskScheduler under one of them
We need to set a certificate for this subscription to be able to sign into it from our ASP.NET app. We created a new self signed certificate, uploaded it in Azure settings under the subscription mentioned above, and put the BASE64 encoded version of .cer (without the private key) into our app's configuration file.
When we use it to create a new certificate with thw X509Certificate2 constructor, it succeeds. But if we attempt to use this certificate object in credentials for SchedulerClient, it fails with the following error message:
ForbiddenError: The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
It is important to know that this code did work with another certificate previously, but we needed to change the certificate to fix another issue. It seems as if the new certificate is not recognized as being associated with the subscription, even though it shows up in the list of this subscription's management certificates on the Azure portal.
This URL: https://manage.windowsazure.com/publishsettings/index?client=vs&schemaversion=2.0 will return only one certificate per subscription, but the MSDN guide says up to 100 management certificates are allowed per subscription.
What should we do now? Do we have to do something special in the Azure administration to “assign” the new certificate to the scheduler or the subscription? How do we get Azure subscriptions to recognize the new certificate to make it authenticate?