I m trying to fail a build in my Jenkins server using the Quality Gate plugin (v2.5). In my jenkins i have installed SonarQube plugin (v2.4.4) and SonarQube Scanner v2.6.1. I have configured a SonarQube server as well v5.6 I have defined a quality gate (for eg bugs > 10) in my server for the project which i m building using my Jenkins server. I have created a freestyle job for the same in Jenkins. What i want to achieve is the build in Jenkins should fail whenever the Quality Gate requirement is not met. I use the "Execute SonarQube Scanner" option in my build step in Jenkins and the Quality Gate option in the post build action (with my project key). I have defined the parameters for sonar analysis in the Analysis Properties section.
Currently, when the quality gate threshold is not met the status changes to failed on the SonarQube server but the build is passed in Jenkins. During the next execution of the same job in Jenkins the build is failed by the Quality Gate. That is the build status is not changed in synchronization with the SonarQube server but in the following execution,
Can you pls let me know what m i missing here ?