
I'm currently using angular ui-grid for my project to display 3 columns of data which will be retrieved as a JSON object through an API call.

I'm currently able to display the data the grid. Now, whenever the user clicks on a particular row, another API call is made sending the first column's respective cell value as query data. The response that is received is shown inside a modal window.

However, I'm not able to place a click event on the grid and retrieve the cell value when a particular row is clicked and hence unable to make the second API call correctly.

I guess a typical ng-click on the div won't serve my purpose as it doesn't capture the cell value.

Can someone please suggest how this functionality can be achieved?

Note: The cells are not editable. They are only read-only.


<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-exporter class="grid"></div>


                $scope.gridOptions.data = response.data;
            }), function(error){
                console.log("Factory error");

        $scope.gridOptions = { 
            enableRowSelection: true, 
            enableRowHeaderSelection: false   
        $scope.gridOptions.enableHorizontalScrollbar = 0;            

        $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
                { field: 'id', name: 'ID', enableHiding: false },
                { field: 'name', name: 'NAME', enableHiding: false },
                { field: 'age', name: 'AGE', enableHiding: false }

        $scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
            $scope.myGridApi = gridApi;

3 Answers


You can grab the $scope of grid elements by using angular.element().data(). The $scope for the row container has the row property in it, which contains the rows entity.

Here is an example of binding mouseup to the grid, and looping through $scope.$parent until the row property is located. Then that row property can be used to make the API call, and do whatever you need to do with the response.



Is this what you want?

var rowCol = $scope.gridApi.cellNav.getFocusedCell();
  if(rowCol !== null) {
      $scope.currentFocused = 'Row Id:' + rowCol.row.entity.id + ' col:' + rowCol.col.colDef.name;

Example from Plunker

If yes then you can go to the following website for more details: Details

Hope this helps you. Good luck ! ! !


First you could register the Event inside your gridOptions.onRegisterApi

gridBodyElem.addEventListener('mouseup', handleGridClick);

then just add a function like this

function handleGridClick(evt) {
            var targetElem = angular.element(evt.target);
            var elemData = targetElem.data().$scope;