
Executed the vstest for the code coverage & converted into an .xml file from the .coverage file ext. Also have the .XML result/output file for the nunit test.

Added the below entries in the sonar properties file:


No data seen in the SonarQube interface.

I see some log entries like

23:08:39.426 INFO - Parsing the Visual Studio coverage XML report e:\jenkins\workspace\Sonar.\Coverage\CodeCoverageResults.xml 23:08:39.451 DEBUG - Code coverage will not be imported for the following file outside of SonarQube:...

You want to be a little more expansive about what does happen?G. Ann - SonarSource Team
I see some log entries like 23:08:39.426 INFO - Parsing the Visual Studio coverage XML report e:\jenkins\workspace\Sonar\.\Coverage\CodeCoverageResults.xml 23:08:39.451 DEBUG - Code coverage will not be imported for the following file outside of SonarQube:OK999

1 Answers


At a guess - because you don't give a whole lot to go on here - the sources under analysis don't overlap with the sources under test.