
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find sample video if different type of formats. I need to test a player with several different files. Thanks in advances!

  • Audio: .wma, .wav, .mp3, .pcm

  • Video: .asf, .avi, .cpk, .dat, .dvix, .flc, .fli, .flv, .mkv, .mov, .mp4, .qt, .ram, .rm, .rmvb, .wmv, .3gp


2 Answers


Try downloading FFmpeg. This is a free tool to convert between almost all popular media formats.

For example if on Windows...

  • Go to downloads and (under Get Packages) click Windows logo. Then click Windows builds.

  • This will take you to Zeranoe. Make sure you choose 32/or/64 bit static build to download.

  • In the downloaded ZIP, Just go into the "ffmpeg" folder and copy the .bat & .txt files and folders to a folder on your C: drive (mine is located at C:\ffmpeg\).

  • Just run the bat file to start FFmpeg. This will bring up a Command Line window. Here you type your required ffmpeg commands.

Conversion with FFmpeg is easy. Use ffmpeg(to run) + -i (for input) + input filename + output filename. The program (FFmpeg) is intelligent enough to analyse the in/output extensions and use correct codecs for those formats. After a few seconds it generates a new file in the current folder.

Examples :

To convert mysong.mp3 into WMA format : ffmpeg -i mysong.mp3 mysong.wma

To convert myvideo.avi into MP4 format : ffmpeg -i myvideo.avi myvideo.mp4

You see how easy it is? There is a lot of support on the web, just Google "ffmpeg how to XYZ" where XYZ is your request & you'll see someone has asked it before and the solution is out there.


You can find samples of various common and uncommon multimedia formats here - http://samples.mplayerhq.hu