
I'm trying out PHPloy for git deployments and I've run into a bit of a snag.

I've got the PHPloy.phar installed on my local machine, and have access to the phploy executable. I also have a phploy.ini file in the root of my project (below).

When I run phploy from the terminal, I'm getting the following error message:

Warning: ftp_systype(): Non-anonymous sessions must use encryption. in phar:///usr/local/bin/phploy/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Adapter/Ftp.php on line 453

phploy.ini (values for user, pass and host removed for this question)

scheme = ftps
passive = true
user = username
; When connecting via SFTP, you can opt for password-based authentication:
pass = password
; Or private key-based authentication:
;   privkey = 'path/to/or/contents/of/privatekey'
host = hostname
path = /public_html
port = 21
; You can specify a branch to deploy from
branch = staging

FTP on this server is configured for TLS Explicit, but I'm not sure how / if I can specify that in the phploy.ini file.


2 Answers


Try adding this to .ini file.

ssl = true

Try modifying these:

scheme: sftp